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Care este cauza a antisemitismului


Evreii sunt speciale în mai multe moduri. Winning nobel price is one of them.

Totuși, din fericire, having large number of people hating them is not one of their special trait.


  1. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=61f_1297089677
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenian_Genocide
  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/May_1998_riots_of_Indonesia
  4. http://www.warwithoutend.co.uk/middle-east-and-asia/2007/12/20/massacre-at-mamilla.php

Dacă vom studia cimpanzei, vom vedea că pentru primate, ura este, de fapt naturale. Este ceea ce facem împotriva cineva care sa stea in calea succesului nostru de reproducere. It’s very understandable.

Interzicerea tuturor crimelor victime, (cum ar fi fiind evreu, sau droguri fumat) în speciei noastre sunt bazate pe ură simplu, care este mascat sub 1001 pretexte. Unii dintre cei pretext este adesea “dragoste” victimei, which is utter BS.

That’s because unlike chimps, our species count on BS to gain political power rather than mere muscles. We evolve to embrace BS that fit our political agenda. We BS so well, we truly believe our BS and don’t know it’s BS. Most people don’t know except evolutionary psychologists and even they tend to stay away from politically incorrect topics that would unmask the most sacredly held BS.

For anti semitism we have

  1. Envy
  2. Jewish lack of power and political cloud (in the past). Yap anti semitic claims are simply false. If jews were that powerful they wouldn’t get screwed over so many times. If I am going to go postal on somebody I would be better off picking easy target right? The natural way to persuade others to join and condone me is to portray the target as something powerful.
  3. Fear and lack of choices. Put your self in the shoe of lebanese christians that have no grudge against jews and was once jews’ ally. Or what about palestinians that don’t mind selling their land to jews and move on. Many just want to leave for nothing just to avoid conflict. Neither jewish’ military or their enemies are nice to the moderates. This is the most regrettable because it can be fixed. But those who have little choices have little power and what they wish matter little. So no body bother fixing it.
  4. Proximity… People tend to hate those that leave near them. Attacking far away land is expensive. This is the strategy that the Qin used to unite china -200BC. Usually humans, following their feeling, would act exactly like the smartest political analyst. It’s not a coincidence that those who are friendly to jews are those who live far away from them, like Indians, Chinese, Japanese.
  5. Trade restrictions. Gaza blockades. Prohibition against selling land to jews. So things that could have been resolved peacefully through cash end up becoming political issues. I think this is the biggest one for all hatred in the world.
  6. Hatred factor combo. Some are of different race. Some are richer. Some have different faith. Jews are often all 3.
  7. Unusual aggression combo. Some countries seize land. Some country kick people out. Some country do that based on race. However a country that seize some land and then kick the population out of that land based on their race and religion is very few since 20th century. We got turkey kicking armenian, german and israel. This is blown out of proportion like shooting of mere 20 children in gun free zone, but well, that’s how the world works.
  8. Tight control of media by everyone else. In Indonesia, I can’t access many sites without changing name servers. Anti semitism is common in countries whose government interfere in information trade.

I think I’ll explain the #1. That’s because anti semitism is simply not common anymore and hence anti antisemitism is simply a past thing. In the past, #1 is the reason. Very few people hate jews nowadays except those that’s actually in war against them and hence don’t have much choices.

I look around for many explanations.

The best I can find is the book by Matt Ridley, “The Red Queen”. You can also try Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins.

The idea is that life is a race. Certain resources, like university seats, femei, etc. are limited. Winner takes all.

Capitalism has brought wealth and hence wealth is no longer a limited resources. Now socialists no longer bitch about they’re getting poorer. They bitch about disparity of wealth. Effectively, they complain that the rich are getting richer.

But why do they complaint? Because happiness does not come from mere personal success. Happiness come from RELATIVE success.

In other word, happiness come from:

  1. Your success
  2. Unhappiness of others

Beautiful girls, de exemplu, do not pick the rich, they pick the rich*est*.

Hence most males evolve huge preference to get rid richer smarter males out of mating market.

Antisemitism is just a dot in a string of other bizarre customs all over the world.

  1. Monks in china and europe don’t get married (monks are smarter, smarter people out of marriage market)
  2. Alimony laws. This ensure that the richest males go bankcrupt every time they attract another girl.
  3. Trade restriction on sex to prevent rich male from “just paying”. Many beautiful girls prefer richer males that pay more than a poor males that offers a life time commitment.
  4. Killing the rich or minority groups that are richer.
  5. Anti polygamy laws in most democratic cultures. The single males simply vote to ensure that women can only pick singles.
  6. In poor muslim countries, sex outside marriage is illegal, and women can only pick muslim men.
  7. In US, prostitution is comprehensively defined as all sex for cash or other consideration. Now what kind of sex doesn’t have consideration anyway? Curiously if you have only 1 sugar baby, somehow it’s okay. Start collecting a few more and poof.
  8. Income tax punish the smart, diligent and productive.
  9. Child support laws are set to be proportional to men’s income. Hence, higher income males cannot support many children.
  10. Pogrom and genocide often target intellectuals or more successful minorities.
  11. Laws prohibiting IQ tests for determining job and college admission.

In other word, if you are going to be successful but weak, you might as well put a sign “kill me and get good drops.”

Basically all those bizarre customs have one pattern in common. They all reduce gene pool survival of the smart and productive.

Jews are not unique in this regard. Armenian in Otoman, Borgueis in mainland china, indian in africa, white males in US, are getting the same hatred.

As Chinese oversea that live in Indonesia, we too used to get the same treatment.

  1. We’re accused of both being capitalistic and socialist at the same time (go figure)
  2. The accusation is somewhat correct because capitalism is the most pro worker economic system in the world as Mark Zukenberg have clearly shown.
  3. Without quota system chinese would fill most seats in Indonesian university. În fapt,, at one year, this is tried once. We got like 90% of the seats despite a mere 2% of the population. Jews would too to a lesser extend.
  4. They told us to “assimilate”.
  5. Globalization effectively put an end to this. When people can easily move to other country when prosecution is too tough they do. When those people are actually productive their country start missing them. So now we got chinese vice governor in Indonesian capital. We got chinese new year as national holiday. Bigots pick other minority target (Ahmadiyah). The same way jews too get well accepted now in US society.
  6. Chinese won’t get welfare no matter how poor they are. Poor chinese do not get married. So, the only chinese that survive in the gene pool is the rich, reinforcing the stereotype. Jews too faced the same thing I’ve heard.

All 6 things happen to jews too. Some are too obviously. In US, being jewish/white/asians means affirmative action will prevent you from getting to college, for example.

So many jews in Europe, or chinese in Indonesia, align themselves with leftist liberal because conservative is even worst.

Of course, all those hatred are explained, often by both the bigots and their victims, by things that do not make sense. The limit is just creativity of story teller I suppose.

Care este cauza a antisemitismului is a post from: Piața liberă nelimitat

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